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G Force 8HP70 Trans Swap Block

8HP70 Swap Block Transmission Mock Up Block

Transmission Swap Block for 8HP70

Hey Guys. Jordan from G Force.

Today I'm introducing one of our newest transmission mock up blocks. This one is the 8HP70. So, this thing came behind a lot of Mopars BMWs, Jeeps, Challengers, stuff like that. It's an 8-speed automatic.

It's very stout. It has a very good aftermarket transmission controller support. And it's used in a lot of swaps. So the thing with these engine and transmission swaps is sometimes your crossmember is not going to line up, and your, transmission tunnel might not fit the large transmission.

So what these mock up blocks are good for is you can... they're light. They're accurate. They have the mounting positionsthe oil pan, bellhousing. And, you can you can put it up into your car and test fit your tunnel clearances and also, create, custom crossmember if needed.

So this is the 8HP70. We also have a variety of other transmission Swap [Blocks]. If you want to find out more about all of these, check us out at 

Thanks for watching.

You can find our 8HP70 Transmission Swap Block here.

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