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G Force subframe connectors

Ford Mustang Bolt-On Subframe Connectors, Fox Body, 1979-2004

Southside Machine is now part of G Force Performance Products. 

Hello, my name is Bill.

Welcome to Southside Machine. Today I wanted to talk a little bit about this new subframe connector that we have coming out. This is a heavy-duty subframe connector for Ford Fox-Body Mustangs and it will cover from 79 to 2004.

It is a unique item because it is so heavy duty that it can be bolted on and not welded on. It comes complete with powder coating and all of the grade eight hardware that you would need to bolt it on. And it bolts on in about thirty minutes. You can put a set on your car.

The top simply bolts on to the upper bolts in your K-Member and all the tubing back to the back of the bar where it would simply bolt into your torque box and the lower bolt of your lower control arm would go through here.

So, you could put a set of these bars on your Mustang in probably 25 to 30 minutes without rushing. Four bolts for each bar. And drastically reduce your chassis flex, stiffen up your suspension so that your car will improve its handling and performance.

And I think that anybody that's drag racing is going to have to have a set of subframe connectors because you just get too much chassis flex if you don't stiffen up your suspension.

But check this bar out it's going to be on our website soon at and if you have any questions be sure and reach out to us.

Southside Machine is now part of G Force Performance Products. 

Send us a note or give us a call at 330-753-5300

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