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G Force Line of Transmission Mounts

Hey Guys—Jordan from G Force Performance with another G Force Video.

You might know us from our patented transmission Crossmembers but today we’re going to talk about our transmission mounts.

Okay, so on this end of the table we have our polyurethane version of standard transmission mounts.

This one is for a Ford [FMTM].

This one is for a GM [GMTM].

And, this one is a short version of the GM transmission mount [GMTM-S].

One thing to note about these mounts is that they come with this preload plate and it’s not a spacer. You have to use it in order to preload the mount and make sure it works correctly.

Another thing I want to talk about is between these two GM mounts, I prefer the short version because then you can start your transmission on the low side and then we offer these transmission mount shims [GMTM-SP] in 1/8th inch increments so you can shim it up to the correct drivetrain angle.

Now, these three transmission mounts will work with 90% of all transmissions and Crossmembers but in recent years they’ve changed some of the mounting locations of some of the newer transmissions. So we came out with these adapters [GF-6060-FA] that allow you to bolt newer transmissions such as a TR6060 and a 6L80 or 6L90 to one of our older style standard transmission mounts.

Next, we’re going to talk about our patented adjustable transmission mounts. This one is for a GM [GF-GMATM]. This one is for a Ford [GF-FMATM].  But they both are the same concept. They allow for misalignment one to two inches forward.

So, what this is typically used for is if you’re doing an LS swap where there was a Small Block Chevy originally, usually you move the whole drivetrain forward about an inch to two inches to allow for clearance between the firewall and the cylinder head.

So when you do that, the original Crossmember no longer aligns to the right holes. So instead of drilling new holes, you can use one of our adjustable transmission mounts and bolt it right up and be good to go.

We also offer some more vehicle specific transmission mounts that I’ll get into in the next video.

See our full line of transmission mounts here.

Questions about our Transmission Mounts?
Send us a note or give us a call at 330-753-5300

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