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Mopar Crossmember

Mopar Crossmember

Mopar Crossmember with the Transmission Adapter You Need Included

Welcome Back

I’m Jordan from G Force Performance Products.

Today we’re going to be talking about one of our new Mopar Crossmembers. This Crossmember is for a 66 to 70 B Body Mopar and it’s compatible with a variety of different transmission groups with our transmission adapter.

So, this Crossmember comes with all the transmission adapters you need right from the get-go. Each one of these allows you to run either an A727, a NAG1, or an 8HP70 transmission. This Crossmember is great for the Hemi swaps for this reason. It has a little bit of adjustability; it has slots in where you bolt the transmission mount. It also has slots where you bolt it to your transmission. So, if there’s any little discrepancies in motor mounts, etc. this will account for that.

It’s a direct bolt-in and the way that it works is, depending on which transmission have you’ll use a differentT transmission adapter, right? So, you put it utilizes a GM style transmission mount. We recommend a polyurethane one, which bolts to the Crossmember and then where GM transmission mount would typically bolt to that transmission it actually bolts to this adapter and then the adapter bolts to the transmission.

So, this Crossmember comes with all the necessary adapters you need right from the get-go. It also comes with all the necessary hardware.

So, if you’re interested in this Crossmember and you want to learn more checkout our Crossmember Collection of products.

Thanks for watching.  

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Questions about our Mopar or other Transmission Crossmembers?
Send us a note or give us a call at 330-753-5300

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